Statistics for marine resources and health
Statistics for marine resources and health
We cover a wide range of applications within the areas marine resources and health. Within marine resources, we work with infectious diseases in farmed fish, biomass prediction of farmed fish, abundance estimation of wild fish and whales and analysis of strategies for fishery and whaling management. Our work on health related problems are mostly focused towards humans, including genomics and bioinformatics, clinical trials and health effects of pollutions, but we also work with health in farmed animals.
In most of our research, we collaborate closely with other researchers at universities and research institutes or with experts at private and public companies. These have the expertise within the specific topic, whereas our contribution is the statistical modelling. Our competence covers the whole range of statistical methods, from simple regression techniques to complex Bayesian hierarchical modelling. For some problems, we combine mechanistic models based on physical, chemical or biological knowledge with data-driven, stochastic models.
Selected projects