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Kristoffer Varholm

NRs masterpris for studieåret 2013/2014 ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet ble delt ut under en prisutdeling 16. april 2015. Vinneren er Kristoffer Varholm som får prisen for sin masteroppgave "A splitting lemma for biholomorphic maps on continously varying domains".

Han utførte sitt masterarbeid ved Institutt for matematiske fag (IMF) med professor Mats Ehrnström som veileder. Prisen består av et diplom og 25 000 NOK.

Norsk Regnesentral gratulerer prisvinneren. Les mer om vinneren og juryens begrunnelse.

Martin Kermit

Martin Kermit has joined the NR as senior research scientist at SAMBA, the department of Statistical Analysis, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, section Earth Observation.

The Norwegian centre of excellence for research-based innovation "Statistics for Innovation" (sfi)2 was ended December 31, 2014. You can read the final report for "Statistics for Innovation" (sfi)2  here:

Final report (pdf) 36MB

Final report (pdf) 4,8 MB

Jarle Bauck Hamar

Jarle Bauck Hamar has joined the NR as senior research scientist at SAMBA, the department of Statistical Analysis, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, section Earth Observation.


Eksempel av BCI maskinvare

Lær hvordan man kan bruker hjernen for å styre datamaskiner på BCI-Workshop hos NR.

Mandag 23. mars kan du lære mer om dette ved å delta på en workshop på NR. Workshop’en heter «Current and future applications of non-invasive and invasive BCIs» og holdes i samarbeid med det østerrikske firmaet g.tec. G.tec lager teknologi som gjør det mulig å registrere signaler fra hjernen og oversette dem til hendelser på en datamaskin.

Portrait Ivar Rummelhoff

Ivar Rummelhoff has joined the NR as Senior Research Scientist at DART, the department of Applied Research in Information Technology.


Alex Lenkoski

Alex Lenkoski has joined the NR as Senior Research Scientist at SAMBA, the department of Statistical Analysis, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis.

How would you like to be able to use a computer with just your brain? This field is called Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI), and is an important assistive technology for people that are “locked in” and cannot communicate otherwise.

On Monday, 23 March, there will be a workshop at NR entitled “Current and future applications of non-invasive and invasive BCIs.” For more information and registration.


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Postal address: Norsk Regnesentral/Norwegian Computing Center, P.O. Box 114 Blindern, NO-0314 Oslo, Norway
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Phone: (+47) 22 85 25 00
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